Hulpstowwe Medisyne Versterker: Hatorite RD Magnesium Litium Silikaat
● Tipiese kenmerk
Gelsterkte: 22g min
Sifontleding: 2% Maks >250 mikron
Vrye vog: 10% Maks
● Chemiese samestelling (droë basis)
SiO2: 59,5%
MgO: 27,5%
Li2O: 0,8%
Na2O: 2,8%
Verlies by ontsteking: 8,2%
● Reologiese eienskappe:
- Hoë viskositeit teen lae skuiftempo's wat baie effektiewe anti-setting eienskappe lewer.
- Lae viskositeit by hoë skuiftempo's.
- 'n Ongeëwenaarde mate van skuifuitdunning.
- Progressiewe en beheerbare tiksotropiese herstrukturering na skeersel.
● Toepassing:
Word gebruik om 'n skuifgevoelige struktuur aan 'n wye reeks watergedraagde formulerings oor te dra. Dit sluit huishoudelike en industriële oppervlakbedekkings in (soos watergebaseerde veelkleurige verf, motor-OEM en verfyn, dekoratiewe en argitektoniese afwerkings, tekstuurbedekkings, helder lae en vernis, industriële en beskermende bedekkings, roes-omskakelingsbedekkings Drukink. houtvernis en pigmentsuspensies) Skoonmakers, keramiekglans landbouchemiese produkte, olievelde en tuinbouprodukte.
● Pakket:
Verpakkingsdetail soos: poeier in poli-sak en pak binne-in die kartonne; palet as beelde
Verpakking: 25 kg/pak (in HDPE-sakke of kartonne, goedere word gepalletiseer en krimp toegedraai.)
● Berging:
Hatorite RD is higroskopies en moet onder droë toestand gestoor word.
● Voorbeeldbeleid:
Ons verskaf gratis monsters vir u laboratorium-evaluering voordat u 'n bestelling plaas.
As 'n ISO- en EU-volle REACH-gesertifiseerde vervaardiger, .Jiangsu Hemings New Material Tech. CO., Ltd verskaf magnesiumlitiumsilikaat (onder volle REACH), magnesiumaluminiumsilikaat en ander bentonietverwante produkte
Wêreldkundige in Sintetiese Klei
Kontak asseblief Jiangsu Hemings New Material Tech. CO., Ltd vir 'n kwotasie of versoek monsters.
Cel(whatsapp): 86-18260034587
Ons sien uit daarna om van jou te hoor.
Hatorite RD is not just an additive; it's a game-changer in the paint and coatings industry, offering unmatched gel strength and a superior chemical composition that sets it apart. With a gel strength of no less than 22g, it ensures an optimal viscosity and stability of the medium it's incorporated into, making it an indispensable excipients medicine for manufacturers seeking to improve the quality and durability of their products. The meticulous sieve analysis guarantees a maximum of 2% >250 microns, ensuring a smooth, consistent texture and finish. Moreover, the chemical composition of Hatorite RD speaks volumes about its purity and efficacy. With 59% SiO2 content on a dry basis, it offers a robust framework for enhancing the mechanical properties of coatings and paints. The controlled free moisture content of 10% max further underscores its superior quality, ensuring it integrates seamlessly into formulations without compromising the product's integrity. As an excipients medicine, Hatorite RD is not just an ingredient; it's a cornerstone for innovation, enabling manufacturers to push the boundaries of what's possible in water-based paints and coatings.