Hatorite Rd: Premier silikoon verdikkingsmiddel vir bedekkings
● Tipiese kenmerk
Gelsterkte: 22g min
Sieve -analise: 2% maksimum> 250 mikron
Gratis vog: 10% maksimum
● Chemiese samestelling (droë basis)
SiO2: 59,5%
MGO: 27,5%
LI2O: 0,8%
NA2O: 2,8%
Verlies aan ontsteking: 8,2%
● Reologiese eienskappe:
- Hoë viskositeit teen lae skuifsnelhede wat baie effektiewe anti - instellingsproperties lewer.
- Lae viskositeit teen hoë skuifkoerse.
- 'N ongeëwenaarde mate van skuifdunner.
- Progressiewe en beheerbare tixotropiese herstrukturering na skuif.
● Aansoek:
Word gebruik om 'n skuifsensitiewe struktuur aan 'n wye verskeidenheid formulasies in die water oor te dra. Dit sluit in huishoudelike en industriële oppervlakbedekkings (soos meerkleurige verf op water, Automotive OEM & Refinish, dekoratiewe en argitektoniese afwerkings, tekstuurbedekkings, duidelike jasse en vernis, industriële en beskermende bedekkings, roes -omskakelingsbedekkings. Skoonmakers, keramiekglasure landelike, olie - velde en tuinbouprodukte.
● Pakket:
Verpakking van detail as: poeier in poli -sak en pak in die kartonne; palet as beelde
Verpakking: 25 kg/pak (in HDPE -sakke of kartonne, sal goedere gepaletiseer word en toegedraai word.)
● Berging:
Hatoriet RD is higroskopies en moet onder droë toestand geberg word.
● Voorbeeldbeleid:
Ons bied gratis monsters vir u laboratoriumevaluering voordat u 'n bestelling plaas.
As 'n ISO en die EU volle bereik -gesertifiseerde vervaardiger, .jiangsu Hemings nuwe materiaaltegnologie. Co
Globale kundige in sintetiese klei
Kontak Jiangsu Hemings nuwe materiaaltegnologie. CO., LTD vir 'n kwotasie of versoekmonsters.
E -pos:jacob@hemings.net
Cel (WhatsApp): 86 - 18260034587
Ons sien daarna uit om van u te hoor.
The inception of Hatorite RD was inspired by a simple vision: to deliver unparalleled performance in viscosity control, coupled with the promise of sustainability and environmental friendliness. The gel strength of Hatorite RD stands impressively at a minimum of 22g, offering an extraordinary thickening capability that ensures optimal consistency in the final product. With a stringent quality control that limits sieve analysis to a maximum of 2% >250 microns, Hatorite RD ensures an incredibly smooth finish, devoid of undesirable textures. Delving deeper into the chemical composition of Hatorite RD on a dry basis reveals a formula poised for excellence. With Silicon Dioxide (SiO2) constituting 59% of its makeup, this silicone thickener agent not only offers superior thickening properties but also contributes significantly to the durability and stability of the paint or coating it is part of. The controlled free moisture content, capped at 10%, and the meticulous selection of its components underscore Hemings' commitment to delivering products that not only meet but exceed industry standards. Embracing Hatorite RD in your formulations is not merely a choice but a step towards innovation, quality, and sustainability in the world of water-based paints and coatings.