Premium Cabosil epoksieverdikkingsmiddel vir verf - Hemings
● Tipiese kenmerk
Gelsterkte: 22g min
Sifontleding: 2% Maks >250 mikron
Vrye vog: 10% Maks
● Chemiese samestelling (droë basis)
SiO2: 59,5%
MgO: 27,5%
Li2O: 0,8%
Na2O: 2,8%
Verlies by ontsteking: 8,2%
● Reologiese eienskappe:
- Hoë viskositeit teen lae skuiftempo's wat baie effektiewe anti-setting eienskappe lewer.
- Lae viskositeit by hoë skuiftempo's.
- 'n Ongeëwenaarde mate van skuifuitdunning.
- Progressiewe en beheerbare tiksotropiese herstrukturering na skeersel.
● Toepassing:
Word gebruik om 'n skuifgevoelige struktuur aan 'n wye reeks watergedraagde formulerings oor te dra. Dit sluit huishoudelike en industriële oppervlakbedekkings in (soos watergebaseerde veelkleurige verf, motor-OEM en verfyn, dekoratiewe en argitektoniese afwerkings, tekstuurbedekkings, helder lae en vernis, industriële en beskermende bedekkings, roes-omskakelingsbedekkings Drukink. houtvernis en pigmentsuspensies) Skoonmakers, keramiekglans landbouchemiese produkte, olievelde en tuinbouprodukte.
● Pakket:
Verpakkingsdetail soos: poeier in poli-sak en pak binne-in die kartonne; palet as beelde
Verpakking: 25 kg/pak (in HDPE-sakke of kartonne, goedere word gepalletiseer en krimp toegedraai.)
● Berging:
Hatorite RD is higroskopies en moet onder droë toestand gestoor word.
● Voorbeeldbeleid:
Ons verskaf gratis monsters vir u laboratorium-evaluering voordat u 'n bestelling plaas.
As 'n ISO- en EU-volle REACH-gesertifiseerde vervaardiger, .Jiangsu Hemings New Material Tech. CO., Ltd verskaf magnesiumlitiumsilikaat (onder volle REACH), magnesiumaluminiumsilikaat en ander bentonietverwante produkte
Wêreldkundige in Sintetiese Klei
Kontak asseblief Jiangsu Hemings New Material Tech. CO., Ltd vir 'n kwotasie of versoek monsters.
Cel(whatsapp): 86-18260034587
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At the heart of our product lies its remarkable chemical composition; boasting a dry basis of 59% SiO2, it ensures durability and stability in your applications. This is complemented by its gel strength of a minimum of 22g, which not only facilitates a smoother application but also significantly enhances the end product's longevity and resilience. Furthermore, with a sieve analysis of a maximum of 2% >250 microns and a free moisture content not exceeding 10%, our Hatorite RD guarantees a seamless blend with your base materials, ensuring a uniform consistency and a flawless finish. Incorporating our Magnesium Lithium Silicate Hatorite RD into your formulations transforms the conventional painting or coating process. Acknowledged widely for its efficacy as a cabosil epoxy thickener, this product not only enhances the visual appeal of surfaces but also provides an additional layer of protection, ensuring that your creations stand the test of time. Whether it's for industrial applications or artistic endeavors, our Hatorite RD empowers you to redefine the boundaries of water-based paints and coatings, promising an unparalleled level of performance that truly sets your work apart.