Excipients Mai Haɓaka Magunguna: Hatorite RD Magnesium Lithium Silicate
Halaye na Musamman
Ƙarfin gel: 22g min
Binciken Sieve: 2% Max>250 microns
Danshi Kyauta: 10% Max
● Sinadari (bushewar tushe)
SiO2: 59.5%
MgO: 27.5%
Li2O: 0.8%
Na 2O: 2.8%
Asara akan ƙonewa: 8.2%
● Kayayyakin halitta:
- Babban danko a ƙananan ƙimar shear wanda ke samar da ingantacciyar rigakafin - saitin kadarorin.
- Ƙananan danko a babban ƙimar ƙarfi.
- Matsayi mara misaltuwa na baƙar fata mai ƙarfi.
- Sake fasalin thixotropic mai ci gaba da sarrafawa bayan tsagewa.
● Aikace-aikace:
An yi amfani da shi don ba da tsari mai mahimmanci ga juzu'i zuwa nau'ikan nau'ikan abubuwan da ke cikin ruwa. Wadannan sun hada da gida da kuma masana'antu surface coatings (kamar Water tushen multicolored fenti, Automotive OEM & refinish, Ado & architecture gama, Texted coatings, fili dasu & varnishes, masana'antu & m coatings, tsatsa canza shafi Buga inks.wood varnishes da pigment suspensions) Masu tsaftacewa, yumbu glazes agrochemical, mai-filaye da kayayyakin lambu.
● Kunshin:
Ciki daki-daki kamar: foda a cikin jakar poly da shirya cikin kwali; pallet azaman hotuna
Shiryawa: 25kgs / fakiti (a cikin jakunkuna na HDPE ko kwali, kayayyaki za a rufe su kuma a rufe su.)
● Adana:
Hatorite RD hygroscopic ne kuma yakamata a adana shi ƙarƙashin yanayin bushewa.
● Misalin manufofin:
Muna ba da samfurori kyauta don kimantawar dakin gwaje-gwaje kafin yin oda.
A matsayin ISO da EU cikakken REACH ƙwararrun masana'anta, .Jiangsu Hemings New Material Tech. CO., Ltd wadata Magnesium Lithium Silicate (a karkashin cikakken REACH), Magnesium aluminum silicate da sauran Bentonite alaka kayayyakin.
Masanin duniya a Clay Sense
Da fatan za a tuntuɓi Jiangsu Hemings New Material Tech. CO., Ltd don ƙididdiga ko buƙatar samfurori.
Cel(whatsapp): 86-18260034587
Muna jiran ji daga gare ku.
Hatorite RD is not just an additive; it's a game-changer in the paint and coatings industry, offering unmatched gel strength and a superior chemical composition that sets it apart. With a gel strength of no less than 22g, it ensures an optimal viscosity and stability of the medium it's incorporated into, making it an indispensable excipients medicine for manufacturers seeking to improve the quality and durability of their products. The meticulous sieve analysis guarantees a maximum of 2% >250 microns, ensuring a smooth, consistent texture and finish. Moreover, the chemical composition of Hatorite RD speaks volumes about its purity and efficacy. With 59% SiO2 content on a dry basis, it offers a robust framework for enhancing the mechanical properties of coatings and paints. The controlled free moisture content of 10% max further underscores its superior quality, ensuring it integrates seamlessly into formulations without compromising the product's integrity. As an excipients medicine, Hatorite RD is not just an ingredient; it's a cornerstone for innovation, enabling manufacturers to push the boundaries of what's possible in water-based paints and coatings.