Bentonite tseem hu ua bentonite, bentonite, qab zib ntiaj teb, saponite, av nplaum, av nkos dawb, lub npe nrov yog Guanyin Earth. Nws yog av nplaum ntxhia nrog montmorillonite ua nws cov khoom tseem ceeb, thiab nws cov tshuaj muaj pes tsawg leeg yog qhov ruaj khov, hu ua "universal s.
Unveiling the Magic of Magnesium Aluminium Silicate in Skincare The Absorption Properties of Magnesium Aluminium SilicateMagnesium Txhuas Silicate yog ib qho ntxhia tshwm sim uas paub txog nws lub peev xwm nqus tau zoo. Clinically, nws tau r
Los ntawm lub sijhawm, kuv tau ntsib koj lub tuam txhab thiab tau nyiam los ntawm lawv cov khoom lag luam nplua nuj. Qhov zoo ntawm cov khoom tiav tau pom tias zoo heev, thiab koj lub tuam txhab tom qab - kev muag khoom kuj zoo heev. Txhua yam, kuv txaus siab heev.
Raws li lub tuam txhab kev tshaj lij, lawv tau muab cov khoom tiav thiab raug thiab cov kev pabcuam daws teeb meem kom tau raws li peb lub sijhawm ntev - tsis muaj kev muag khoom thiab kev tswj xyuas. Peb cia siab tias peb tuaj yeem koom tes nrog ib leeg yav tom ntej los txhim kho peb cov kev ua tau zoo.