Hatorit RD: Premye Ajan Thixotropic pou Kosmetik & Swen

Kout deskripsyon:

Hatorit Rd se yon silikat sentetik kouch. Li se solubl nan dlo, men idrat ak anfle bay klè ak san koulè dispèsyon koloidal. Nan konsantrasyon nan 2% oswa pi plis nan dlo, jèl trè thixotropic ka pwodwi.

Espesifikasyon jeneral

Aparans: gratis ap koule tankou dlo poud blan

Dansite esansyèl: 1000 kg/m3

Zòn sifas (BET): 370 m2/g

pH (2% sispansyon): 9.8

Detay Product

Tags pwodwi

Hemings pran imans fyète nan entwodwi pwodwi bato nou an - Hatorit Rd, yon revolisyonè mayezyòm ityòm silikat silikat délikatès ki fèt pou dlo - ki baze sou pentire ak penti, kounye a jwenn sèvis piblik eksepsyonèl li yo kòm yon ajan thixotropic pou pwodui kosmetik ak swen pèsonèl. Thixotropy nan swen pèsonèl ak pwodui kosmetik se pa sèlman yon karakteristik te ajoute; Li se yon nesesite pou pwodwi ki mande pou yon viskozite espesifik ak estabilite nan kondisyon divès kalite. Hatorit Rd èksèl nan bay karakteristik sa a esansyèl, ofri konsistans unik ak bon jan kalite nan formulations ou.

● Karakteristik tipik

Fòs jèl: 22g min

Van analiz: 2% max> 250 mikron

Gratis imidite: 10% max

● Konpozisyon chimik (baz sèk)

SiO2: 59.5%

MGO: 27.5%

Li2o: 0.8%

Na2O: 2.8%

Pèt sou ignisyon: 8.2%

● pwopriyete reolojik:

  • Segondè viskozite nan pousantaj taye lenn ki pwodui trè efikas anti - anviwònman.
  • Low viskozite nan gwo pousantaj taye lenn.
  • Yon degre inegalabl nan taye lenn.
  • Pwogresis ak kontwole restriktirasyon thixotropic apre sizayman.

● Aplikasyon:

Itilize pou transmèt yon estrikti sansib taye lenn nan yon pakèt domèn formulasyon dlo. Men sa yo enkli penti sifas nan kay la ak endistriyèl (tankou dlo ki baze sou penti abazde koulè, OEM otomobil & refinish, dekoratif & Otermin achitekti, penti relyèf, rad klè & vèni, endistriyèl & penti pwoteksyon, konvèsyon rouye penti enprime lank.wood vèn ak pigman sispansyon) Netwayaj, glas seramik agrochimik, lwil - jaden ak pwodwi ortikultur.

● Pake:

Detay anbalaj kòm: poud nan sak poly ak pake andedan katon yo; palèt kòm imaj

Anbalaj: 25kgs/pake (nan sak HDPE oswa katon, machandiz yo pral paletize ak retresi vlope.)

● Depo:

Hatorit Rd se igroskopik epi yo ta dwe estoke anba kondisyon sèk.

● Egzanp politik:

Nou bay echantiyon gratis pou evalyasyon laboratwa ou anvan ou mete yon lòd.

Kòm yon ISO ak Inyon Ewopeyen plen rive sètifye manifakti, .Jiangsu Hemings nouvo teknoloji materyèl. Co., Ltd ekipman pou mayezyòm ityòm silikate (anba plen rive), mayezyòm aliminyòm silikate ak lòt pwodwi ki gen rapò ak bèntonit

Ekspè mondyal nan ajil sentetik

Tanpri kontakte Jiangsu Hemings nouvo teknoloji materyèl. Co., Ltd pou yon quote oswa mande echantiyon.


Cel (WhatsApp): 86 - 18260034587

Nou gade pou pi devan pou tande nan men ou.




The genesis of Hatorite RD lies in its unique chemical composition and physical characteristics. With a foundation of SiO2 at 59% on a dry basis, it demonstrates robust gel strength of a minimum of 22g, ensuring that your products maintain their form and efficacy from production to application. The meticulous sieve analysis reveals that 2% max of its particles are >250 microns, guaranteeing a smooth and refined texture crucial for cosmetic applications. Moreover, its controlled free moisture content of 10% max underscores our commitment to delivering a superior thixotropic agent that enhances product stability and application. Incorporating Hatorite RD into your cosmetic and personal care products not only elevates their quality but also enriches the end-user experience. Its thixotropic nature, meaning it becomes less viscous under stress and returns to its more viscous state upon standing, is ideal for a wide range of applications—from foundations and creams to sunscreens and hair care products. This adaptability ensures ease of application, improved stability, and extended shelf life, making Hatorite RD an indispensable ingredient in the formulation of high-quality cosmetics and personal care items. Embrace Hemings' Hatorite RD to revolutionize your products, offering your customers the pinnacle of quality and innovation.

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