Hatorite Rd: Agen Thickener Premier Premier kanggo Coatings

Katrangan Singkat:

Hatorite Rd minangka silikon disapu sintetik. Ora larut ing banyu nanging hidrat lan swells kanggo menehi panyebaran koloid sing jelas lan tanpa warna. Ing konsentrasi 2% utawa luwih gedhe ing banyu, gel thixotik sing bisa diprodhuksi.

Spesifikasi Umum

Penampilan: Gratis bubuk putih sing mili

Kapadhetan Bulk: 1000 kg / m3

Area lumahing (taruhan): 370 m2 / g

Penundaan PH (2%): 9.8

Detail Produk

Tag Produk

Ing biyen - ngembangake banyu ing jagad iki - Cat adhedhasar cat lan lapisan, Hemings njupuk bangga kanggo nampilake pathokan kualitas lan efisiisi litium silicate Rd. Minangka agen thickener silikon silikon, hatorite rd muncul minangka tandha tandha ing ngrumusake cat lan lapisan sing ngadeg tes wektu lan lingkungan.

● khas karakteristik

Kekuwatan Gel: 22g min

Sarat Sieve: 2% Max> 250 mikron

Kelembapan Gratis: 10% Max

● Komposisi kimia (Dasar garing)

Sio2: 59.5%

MgO: 27.5%

LI2O: 0,8%

NA2O: 2.8%

Kerugian ing kontak: 8,2%

● Properti reologis:

  • Viscositas sing dhuwur banget ing tarif nyukur sithik sing ngasilake anti sing efektif banget - SettingPropertifes.
  • Viscositas sithik ing tarif nyukur dhuwur.
  • Gelar sing ora rata saka tipis.
  • Resteructing thixotropic sing maju lan bisa dikontrol sawise nyukur.

● Aplikasi:

Digunakake kanggo menehi struktur sensitif nyukur kanggo macem-macem formulasi waterborne. Iki kalebu lapisan rumah tangga lan perisahan industri (kayata cat multicolored banyu, OEM Otomotif & Refinishotter, Lambang Teknikal, Alat-bahan Perlindungan Jarak, glazes keramik agrokimia, lenga - kothak lan produk hortikultur.

● Paket:

Ngemas detail minangka: bubuk ing tas poly lan bungkus ing karton; palet minangka gambar

Paket: 25kgs / Pack (ing kantong Hdpe utawa karton, barang bakal katolisasi lan nyusut dibungkus.)

● Panyimpen:

Hatorite Rd yaiku higroskopis lan kudu disimpen ing kahanan garing.

● Pilih Kabijakan:

Kita nyedhiyakake conto gratis kanggo evaluasi lab sadurunge sampeyan nggawe pesenan.

Minangka produsen ISO lan EU lengkap karo produsen sing disertifikasi, .Jiangsu Hemings Tech Material Tech. CO.

Pakar global ing lempung sintetis

Hubungi Jiangsu Hemings Bahan Bahan Anyar. CO ,, LTD kanggo kutipan utawa njaluk conto.


Cel (whatsapp): 86 - 18260034587

Kita ngarep-arep ngrungokake saka sampeyan.




The inception of Hatorite RD was inspired by a simple vision: to deliver unparalleled performance in viscosity control, coupled with the promise of sustainability and environmental friendliness. The gel strength of Hatorite RD stands impressively at a minimum of 22g, offering an extraordinary thickening capability that ensures optimal consistency in the final product. With a stringent quality control that limits sieve analysis to a maximum of 2% >250 microns, Hatorite RD ensures an incredibly smooth finish, devoid of undesirable textures. Delving deeper into the chemical composition of Hatorite RD on a dry basis reveals a formula poised for excellence. With Silicon Dioxide (SiO2) constituting 59% of its makeup, this silicone thickener agent not only offers superior thickening properties but also contributes significantly to the durability and stability of the paint or coating it is part of. The controlled free moisture content, capped at 10%, and the meticulous selection of its components underscore Hemings' commitment to delivering products that not only meet but exceed industry standards. Embracing Hatorite RD in your formulations is not merely a choice but a step towards innovation, quality, and sustainability in the world of water-based paints and coatings.

  • Sadurunge:
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  • Hubungi kita

    Kita mesthi siap mbantu sampeyan.
    Hubungi kita sekaligus.


    No.1 Changhongdadao, Sihong County, Suqian City, Jiangsu China

    E - Kirim
