Hatorite Rd: Agen thixotropic premier kanggo kosmetik & perawatan
● khas karakteristik
Kekuwatan Gel: 22g min
Sarat Sieve: 2% Max> 250 mikron
Kelembapan Gratis: 10% Max
● Komposisi kimia (Dasar garing)
Sio2: 59.5%
MgO: 27.5%
LI2O: 0,8%
NA2O: 2.8%
Kerugian ing kontak: 8,2%
● Properti reologis:
- Viscositas sing dhuwur banget ing tarif nyukur sithik sing ngasilake anti sing efektif banget - SettingPropertifes.
- Viscositas sithik ing tarif nyukur dhuwur.
- Gelar sing ora rata saka tipis.
- Resteructing thixotropic sing maju lan bisa dikontrol sawise nyukur.
● Aplikasi:
Digunakake kanggo menehi struktur sensitif nyukur kanggo macem-macem formulasi waterborne. Iki kalebu lapisan rumah tangga lan perisahan industri (kayata cat multicolored banyu, OEM Otomotif & Refinishotter, Lambang Teknikal, Alat-bahan Perlindungan Jarak, glazes keramik agrokimia, lenga - kothak lan produk hortikultur.
● Paket:
Ngemas detail minangka: bubuk ing tas poly lan bungkus ing karton; palet minangka gambar
Paket: 25kgs / Pack (ing kantong Hdpe utawa karton, barang bakal katolisasi lan nyusut dibungkus.)
● Panyimpen:
Hatorite Rd yaiku higroskopis lan kudu disimpen ing kahanan garing.
● Pilih Kabijakan:
Kita nyedhiyakake conto gratis kanggo evaluasi lab sadurunge sampeyan nggawe pesenan.
Minangka produsen ISO lan EU lengkap karo produsen sing disertifikasi, .Jiangsu Hemings Tech Material Tech. CO.
Pakar global ing lempung sintetis
Hubungi Jiangsu Hemings Bahan Bahan Anyar. CO ,, LTD kanggo kutipan utawa njaluk conto.
Cel (whatsapp): 86 - 18260034587
Kita ngarep-arep ngrungokake saka sampeyan.
The genesis of Hatorite RD lies in its unique chemical composition and physical characteristics. With a foundation of SiO2 at 59% on a dry basis, it demonstrates robust gel strength of a minimum of 22g, ensuring that your products maintain their form and efficacy from production to application. The meticulous sieve analysis reveals that 2% max of its particles are >250 microns, guaranteeing a smooth and refined texture crucial for cosmetic applications. Moreover, its controlled free moisture content of 10% max underscores our commitment to delivering a superior thixotropic agent that enhances product stability and application. Incorporating Hatorite RD into your cosmetic and personal care products not only elevates their quality but also enriches the end-user experience. Its thixotropic nature, meaning it becomes less viscous under stress and returns to its more viscous state upon standing, is ideal for a wide range of applications—from foundations and creams to sunscreens and hair care products. This adaptability ensures ease of application, improved stability, and extended shelf life, making Hatorite RD an indispensable ingredient in the formulation of high-quality cosmetics and personal care items. Embrace Hemings' Hatorite RD to revolutionize your products, offering your customers the pinnacle of quality and innovation.