Agen premium thixotropic kanggo banyu - Inks adhedhasar - Hatorite Kita
Karakter Khas:
Penampilan |
Wêdakakêna Putih Aliran Gratis |
Kapadhetan gedhe |
1200 ~ 1400 kg · m - 3 |
Ukuran partikel |
95% <250μm |
Kerugian ing kontak |
9 ~ 11% |
penundaan pH (2%) |
9 ~ 11 |
Konduktivitas (2% penundaan) |
≤1300 |
Penundaan (2% penundaan) |
≤3Min |
Penundaan viskositas (5%) |
≥30,000 CPS |
Kekuwatan Gel (5% penundaan) |
≥ 20g · min |
● Aplikasi
Minangka agen anti ajur rheologi sing efisien, cocog banget kanggo penundaan anti settling, thickening lan kontrol rheologis sistem formulasi waterborne.
Coatings, Kosmetik, Cuci, Adesif, Gilap Keramik, |
Bahan bangunan (kayata semen mortir, Gypsum, Pre Campuran Gypsum), Agrochemical (kayata penundaan pestisida), Minyak, Produk Hortikulttur, |
● Dianggo
Apike kanggo nyiyapake Gel Gel kanthi 2 - isi padhet sadurunge ditambahake menyang sistem formulasi banyu. Nalika nyiapake gel Pre, kudu nggunakake cara penyebaran nyukur dhuwur, kanthi pH kontrol ing 6 ~ 11, lan banyu sing digunakake kudu banyu deionized (lan ikuLuwih becik nggunakake banyu anget).
Umumé akun 0,2 - 2% kualitas sistem formula banyu kabeh; ing Dosis optimal kudu diuji sadurunge digunakake.
● simpenan
Hatorite® Kita higroskopis lan kudu disimpen ing kahanan garing.
● Paket:
Ngemas detail minangka: bubuk ing tas poly lan bungkus ing karton; palet minangka gambar
Paket: 25kgs / Pack (ing kantong Hdpe utawa karton, barang bakal katolisasi lan nyusut dibungkus.)
Jiangsu Hemings Tech Material Anyar. CO ,, LTD
Pakar global ing lempung sintetis
Hubungi kita kanggo kutipan utawa njaluk conto.
Cell Cell (WhatsApp): 86 - 18260034587
Skype: 86 - 18260034587
Kita ngarep-arep ngrungokake saka sampeyan ing mangsa ngarep.
But what truly sets Hatorite WE apart is its multifunctionality within water-based systems. As a thixotropic agent for water-based inks, it offers unparalleled efficiency in rheological modification, contributing to enhanced viscosity (>30,000 cPs for a 5% suspension) and impressive gel strength (>20g·min for a 5% suspension). These characteristics are pivotal for achieving optimal print quality, preventing ink sagging or running, and ensuring sharp, clean print lines on various substrates. Moreover, its ability to act as an anti-settling agent, combined with its high clarity (≤3min for a 2% suspension) and low conductivity (≤1300 for a 2% suspension), makes it a versatile solution not just for inks but also for an extensive range of waterborne formulation systems. Whether for thickening, rheological control, or enhancing suspension properties, Hatorite WE provides comprehensive benefits that go beyond the ordinary, setting new standards in the industry. In summary, Hemings' Hatorite WE is not just another additive; it is a game-changer for manufacturers seeking to push the boundaries of what's possible with water-based inks and coatings. Its advanced properties and multifunctional capabilities underscore its position as the ultimate thixotropic agent for water-based inks, offering not just superior performance but also the promise of innovation and quality in every drop.