He Kaipupuri Whakamatau mo te Waituhi Waituhi - Hemings RD

Whakaahuatanga Poto:

Ko te Hatorite RD he silicate paparanga waihanga. Kare e rewa ki te wai engari ka whakamakuku, ka pupuhi kia puta te mararatanga o te colloidal marama me te kore tae. I te kuhanga o te 2% neke atu ranei i roto i te wai, ka taea te whakaputa i nga kirikiri tino thixotropic.

Whakatakotoranga Whānui

Te ahua: te paura ma e rere kore utu

Kiato Nui: 1000 kg/m3

Horahanga Mata (BET): 370 m2/g

pH (2% whakatārewatanga): 9.8

Taipitopito Hua

Tohu Hua

In the ever-evolving world of water-based paints and coatings, Hemings introduces a revolutionary product that stands at the forefront of innovation and efficiency. The Magnesium Lithium Silicate Hatorite RD, a peerless thickening agent specifically designed for water borne inks, offers unparalleled quality and performance. As industries continually seek improvements in their products, Hemings RD emerges as the solution for those demanding superior thickening properties without compromising on environmental standards. Unmatched Gel Strength for Consistent Performance At the heart of Hemings RD’s formula is its exceptional gel strength, boasting a minimum of 22g. This key characteristic ensures that water-based paints and coatings achieve the desired viscosity and thickness, delivering a smooth application every time. The meticulous control of the gel strength is what sets Hemings RD apart, offering consistency in the quality of the final product. Users can expect a homogenous mix, reducing the need for frequent adjustments and ensuring a stable product lifespan. Optimized Particle Size for Enhanced Application Understanding the critical role of particle size distribution in paint and coating formulations, Hemings RD offers an optimized sieve analysis result. With 2% max >250 microns, it guarantees that the thickening agent integrates seamlessly into the mix, enhancing the overall texture and application properties. This precise control over particle size not only contributes to a smoother finish but also facilitates a more efficient mixing process, allowing for a uniform distribution of the thickening agent throughout the product. Sustainable Chemical Composition for Eco-Friendly Solutions

● Ahuatanga Angamaheni

Te kaha o te ra: 22g min

Tātari tatari: 2% Max>250 microns

Kore Makuku: 10% Max

● Hanga Matū (turanga maroke)

SiO2: 59.5%

MgO : 27.5%

Li2O : 0.8%

Na2O: 2.8%

Ngaronga i runga i te mura: 8.2%

● Ngā āhuatanga ā-raupapa:

  • Te pokey teitei me nga reiti kutikuti iti e whakaputa ana i nga ahuatanga anti-settingproperties tino whai hua.
  • He iti te pokey i nga reiti kutikuti teitei.
  • He tohu kore rite o te kutikuti angiangi.
  • Te whakatikatika i te thixotropic ahu whakamua me te whakahaere i muri i te kutikuti.

● Taupānga:

Ka whakamahia mo te tuku i te hanganga kutikuti tairongo ki te whānuitanga o nga hanganga wai. Kei roto i enei ko nga paninga mata o te whare me te ahumahi (pēnei i te wai peita tae maha, Automotive OEM & refinished, Whakapaipai me te hoahoa hoahoa, paninga kakano, koti maramara me nga waituhi, paninga ahumahi me te whakamarumaru, paninga hurihuri waikura. Ko nga kai horoi, ko nga karaehe karaima agrochemical, hinu-mara me nga hua ahuwhenua.

● Mōkī:

Ko nga korero taapiri penei: te paura i roto i te peeke poly me te kete ki roto i nga kaata; pallet hei whakaahua

Taapiri: 25kgs/pack (i roto i nga peeke HDPE, i nga kaata ranei, ka palleti nga taonga ka whakahekehia te takai.)

● Rokiroki:

Ko te Hatorite RD he mea whakamaroke me te rongoa i raro i te ahua maroke.

● tauira kaupapa here:

Ka whakaratohia e matou he tauira kore utu mo to arotake taiwhanga i mua i to tuku ota.

Ka rite ki te ISO me EU katoa REACH kaihanga whaimana, .Jiangsu Hemings New Material Tech. CO., Ltd te tuku Magnesium Lithium Silicate (i raro i te REACH katoa), konupora konumohe silicate me etahi atu hua e pa ana ki te Bentonite

He tohunga o te ao ki te Uku Hangarite

Tena koa whakapā atu ki a Jiangsu Hemings New Material Tech. CO., Ltd mo te korero, tono tauira ranei.


Cel(whatsapp): 86-18260034587

Kei te tumanako matou ki te whakarongo mai i a koe.




I roto i te ao e aro nui ana ki te oranga tonutanga, i hangaia te hanganga matū a Hemings RD me te whakaaro ki te taiao. Ma te whakamaroke o te ihirangi SiO2 o te 59%, ko tenei kaihoko matotoru kaore i te whakarato noa i nga mahi e tika ana engari ka whakarite kia pai ake o hua ki te taiao. Ko te pauna tupato o nga kai e whakaatu ana i te whakapau kaha o Hemings ki nga mahi whakangao kaiao-maramatanga, e tuku ana i tetahi hua kaore i te tutuki noa engari ka nui ake i nga paerewa ahumahi mo te oranga tonutanga. Hei mutunga, ko te Magnesium Lithium Silicate Hatorite RD na Hemings ehara i te mea he maatete matotoru noa mo te kawe wai. waituhi; he tohu tenei mo te kaha o te kamupene ki te kounga, te auaha, me te kawenga taiao. Na te kaha ake o te reera, te rahi o te matūriki, me te hanganga matū taumau, ka whakatakotohia e Hemings RD nga tohu tohu hou mo te mahi me te taiao-hoahoa i roto i te wai-nga peita me te ahumahi whakakikorua. Awhihia a Hemings RD me te whakanui i o hua ki nga taumata hiranga hou.

  • Tōmua:
  • Panuku:
  • Whakapā mai

    Kei te rite tonu matou ki te awhina ia koe.
    Tena koa whakapā mai i te wa kotahi.


    No.1 Changhongdadao, Sihong county, Suqian city, Jiangsu China

