Premium Cabosil Epoxy Thickener ya Paints - Hemings
● Makhalidwe Abwino
Mphamvu ya gel: 22g min
Kusanthula kwa Sieve: 2% Max> 250 microns
Chinyezi Chaulere: 10% Max
● Chemical Composition (dry basis)
SiO2: 59.5%
Mphamvu: 27.5%
Li2O: 0.8%
Na2O: 2.8%
Kutaya pakuyatsa: 8.2%
● Zomwe Zachilengedwe:
- Mkulu mamasukidwe akayendedwe pa otsika kukameta ubweya mitengo amene umatulutsa amphamvu kwambiri odana - zoikamo katundu.
- Low mamasukidwe akayendedwe pa mkulu kukameta ubweya mitengo.
- Kumeta ubweya wosayerekezeka.
- Patsogolo ndi controllable thixotropic restructuring pambuyo kukameta ubweya.
● Kugwiritsa Ntchito:
Amagwiritsidwa ntchito popereka mawonekedwe okhudzidwa ndi kukameta ubweya ku mitundu yosiyanasiyana yamadzi. Izi zikuphatikiza zokutira zapanyumba ndi mafakitale (monga utoto wamitundu yosiyanasiyana wa Water, Automotive OEM & refinish, Decorative & achitectural finishes, zokutira zokutira, malaya owoneka bwino & vanishi, zokutira zamafakitale & zoteteza, zokutira zosintha dzimbiri Kusindikiza ma inki. ma vanishi amitengo ndi kuyimitsidwa kwa pigment) Oyeretsa, ceramic glazes agrochemical, mafuta - minda ndi horticultural mankhwala.
● Phukusi:
Kulongedza zambiri monga: ufa mu thumba la poly ndi kunyamula mkati mwa makatoni; pallet ngati zithunzi
Kulongedza: 25kgs / paketi (m'matumba a HDPE kapena makatoni, katundu adzakulungidwa ndikupukutidwa.)
● Kusungirako:
Hatorite RD ndi hygroscopic ndipo iyenera kusungidwa pamalo owuma.
● Ndondomeko yachitsanzo:
Timapereka zitsanzo zaulere pakuwunika kwanu labu musanayitanitse.
Monga ISO ndi EU full REACH certified wopanga, .Jiangsu Hemings New Material Tech. CO., Ltd kupereka Magnesium Lithium Silicate(pansi pa zonse REACH), magnesium zotayidwa silicate ndi zina Bentonite zokhudzana mankhwala
Katswiri wapadziko lonse mu Synthetic Clay
Chonde lemberani Jiangsu Hemings New Material Tech. CO., Ltd kuti mupeze zitsanzo zamtengo wapatali kapena zopempha.
Cel(whatsapp): 86-18260034587
Tikuyembekezera kumva kuchokera kwa inu.
At the heart of our product lies its remarkable chemical composition; boasting a dry basis of 59% SiO2, it ensures durability and stability in your applications. This is complemented by its gel strength of a minimum of 22g, which not only facilitates a smoother application but also significantly enhances the end product's longevity and resilience. Furthermore, with a sieve analysis of a maximum of 2% >250 microns and a free moisture content not exceeding 10%, our Hatorite RD guarantees a seamless blend with your base materials, ensuring a uniform consistency and a flawless finish. Incorporating our Magnesium Lithium Silicate Hatorite RD into your formulations transforms the conventional painting or coating process. Acknowledged widely for its efficacy as a cabosil epoxy thickener, this product not only enhances the visual appeal of surfaces but also provides an additional layer of protection, ensuring that your creations stand the test of time. Whether it's for industrial applications or artistic endeavors, our Hatorite RD empowers you to redefine the boundaries of water-based paints and coatings, promising an unparalleled level of performance that truly sets your work apart.