Hatorite WE: Palemia Slurry Thickening Agent mo Formulations
Uiga masani:
Fa'aaliga |
tafe fua pa'epa'e pa'epa'e |
To'atele Tele |
1200~ 1400 kilokalama ·m-3 |
Lapopo'a o vaega |
95%< 250μm |
Ma'imau ile afi |
9~ 11% |
pH(2% taofiga) |
9~ 11 |
Amioga (2% taofiga) |
≤1300 |
manino(2% fa'amalologa) |
≤3min |
Viscosity(5% taofiga) |
≥30,000 cPs |
Malosi o gel(5% taofiga) |
≥ 20g · min |
● Talosaga
I le avea ai o se mea fa'aopoopo lelei ma fa'agata fa'agata fa'amatu'u, e matua fetaui lelei mo le fa'agata fa'amamafa, mafiafia ma le fa'atonutonuina o le tele o faiga fa'avae vai.
Ufiufi, mea teuteu, Lafoa'i, fa'apipi'i, Fa'ai'ila sima, |
Mea faufale (pei o sima sima, gypsum, gypsum muamua fefiloi), Fa'ato'aga fa'ato'aga (pei o le fa'amaloloina o vailaau fa'asaina), fanua suau'u, oloa fa'ato'aga, |
● Fa'aoga
E fautuaina le saunia muamua o le gel fa'atasi ai ma le 2-% mea mautu a'o le'i fa'aopoopoina i faiga fa'asuavai. Pe a saunia le gel muamua, e tatau ona faʻaaogaina se auala faʻasalalau maualuga, faʻatasi ai ma le pH e pulea i le 6 ~ 11, ma o le vai faʻaaogaina e tatau ona faʻafefe vai (ma esili atu le faʻaaogaina o vai mafanafana).
E masani ona fa'atatau mo le 0.2-2% o le lelei o faiga fa'asusu atoa e fa'aaogaina vai;le e mana'omia le su'esu'eina o fua sili ona lelei a'o le'i fa'aaogaina.
● Teuina
Hatorite® WE e hygroscopic ma e tatau ona teuina i lalo ole tulaga mago.
● afifi:
Fa'apipi'i fa'amatalaga e pei o le: pa'u i totonu o taga poli ma fa'aputu i totonu o katuni; pallet pei o ata
Faʻapipiʻi: 25kgs / faʻamau (i taga HDPE poʻo pusa katuni, oloa o le a palletized ma faʻaitiʻitia afifi.)
Jiangsu Hemings New Material Tech. CO.,Ltd
Tagata poto fa'alelalolagi ile Synthetic Clay
Fa'amolemole fa'afeso'ota'i mai mo se fa'amatalaga po'o se fa'ata'ita'iga.
Telefoni fe'avea'i (whatsapp): 86-18260034587
Skype: 86-18260034587
Matou te tulimatai atu e faʻalogo mai ia te oe i se taimi lata mai.
At first glance, Hatorite WE presents as a free-flowing white powder, a physical testament to its engineered precision. A closer examination reveals properties that are integral to its efficiency as a slurry thickening agent. With a bulk density of 1200~1400 kg·m-3 and a particle size where 95% is finer than 250μm, it offers a perfect balance between flowability and performance. The material's low loss on ignition (9~11%) underscores its thermal stability, while a pH range of 9~11 in a 2% suspension speaks to its benign nature in diverse formulations. Furthermore, its low conductivity (≤1300 μS/cm) and swift clarity time (≤3min) in a 2% suspension are indicative of its superior quality and ease of integration into existing systems. But where Hatorite WE truly distinguishes itself is in its remarkable viscosity (>30,000 cPs) and gel strength (>20g·min) when used in a 5% suspension. These properties highlight its incredible ability to act as an efficient rheological additive and suspension anti-settling agent, making it exceedingly suitable for a broad spectrum of applications. Whether it's in paints, coatings, personal care products, or any other waterborne formulation system, Hatorite WE enhances the mixture's stability, thickness, and flow, ensuring an optimal consistency and performance. By incorporating this elite slurry thickening agent into your product, you unlock a new dimension of quality and reliability, ensuring that your formulations not only meet but exceed the highest standards of excellence in the industry.